Please complete all of the required fields below to make a reservation.
Reservation Policies
Deposit Payment: Payment in full is required for your first night’s stay. Should you stay more than one night, you can make the remainder of the payment upon departure. Please make your deposit via e-transfer to If you are unable to send an e-transfer, please indicate below and I will telephone you to arrange an alternate payment. Should you choose to pay by credit card, a 5% fee will be added to your bill.
Cancellation Policy for a Room Booking: Three weeks’ notice is required to cancel a booking, with a full refund. If you do not accept e-transfers, we will charge you a 5% fee for refunding using your credit card number. If your cancellation is less than three weeks prior to your arrival, and we are able to refill the room, you will receive a refund. If we are unable to fill the room, you will be responsible for its payment. Due to folks taking advantage of rainchecks, we will not be allowing those going forward.
* Rooms must be booked one at a time. * Full payment for the first night must be made at time of booking * Pricing includes all taxes * Add a third person in a room for $74.67 per night * All prices include a full breakfast (special dietary requests can be accommodated).