6166 Morriss Point Rd NW
Walker, MN 56484
Within 24 hours you will receive a confirmation email from Shores of Leech Lake. Your confirmation email will show all charges including taxes. It will reflect any special discounts listed on the "Rate Specials" page.
Your card will not be billed in advance of your stay. Cancellation fee within 60 days of scheduled arrival is $25 for camping reservations, $50 for cottage reservations. Cancellation fee within 14 days of scheduled arrival is $75 for camping reservations, $250 for cottage reservations. If a reservation is cancelled, or partially cancelled within 48 hours of arrival, your stay will be billed as reserved. Reservations arriving between Nov 1 and May 1 may be cancelled with just three or more days notice without charge. Any reservation may be cancelled without charge within 48 hours of making the reservation.